Phone in 2020 GT

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2018
British Columbia, Canada
I'm hoping someone can tell me I'm wrong on how I'm doing this ... but on my Canada model 2020 GT I can't believe that making a phone call over bluetooth is so complicated.

The system connects with my phone and has downloaded the contact list. No problems.

And, yes, I have read the manual (quite painful to read!). And, no, it didn't help.

But, the best I can do is:

1. Register a name with a voice-tag
2. Press <call> on the steering wheel.
3. Wait for the system to wake
4. Say <TELEPHONE>. Note: not "phone" or "call"
5. Wait for the prompt
6. Say the tag <somename>
7. Wait while the system repeats the command and EVERY NUMBER in the tag
8. Confirm
9. Wait while it says <dialing> and repeats EVERY NUMBER in the tag
10. Wait hoping it works

I'm sure I'm missing a step to make it faster and easier. Yes?

The terrible manual states that with at BT connection I can simply press the <phone> button and say the contact name. Nope.
I'm replying to my own post to bring it up ... no responses at all :) And no solutions either ... I dropped by the dealer and the service manager playing with it and said "Oh, but that is an awful interface" ... yeah, that's why I was there :)
Unable to help as the earlier system was worse.

If you have more than one phone listed against the same name it offers you a random choice and often the wrong one repeatedly. Quicker to travel to where the person is :lol:
My system is different to yours being an older model but trust me it is just as bad.

I rarely use the MMCS voice controls and navigating the screens is even harder!

I have found the best solution, not sure if it will work with yours, was to put Google Assistant and Android Auto on my phone. Android Auto has some nice big buttons that are easier to navigate (when stationary) but with Google Assistant running as well I can press the mode until I am in Bluetooth mode and then just say 'Hey Google... Call whoever', 9 times out of 10 it recognizes the whoever bit first time and just starts dialing without all the 356 confirmations required by MMCS.

I think your version should have Android Auto build in so it should work even better.
Thanks for the replies.

I can use google, but I need to plug in for that ... which seems silly if I'm just going into town.

On my 2018 the phone was just fine. It had the mitsubishi radio and I could just hit the button on the steering wheel and say "call george" and it'd look up "george" in my contacts and do it's thing. There was a confirmation, etc. but it worked.

Oh well ... one step forward and two back :)