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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. B

    Good Problems - Way to manage a launch

    We all know that Mitsubishi has delayed their US launch of the Outlander PHEV, and it's garnered some negative attention from the media. However, I'm loving this story. In essence, it...
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    PHEV versus Diesel

    I was talking with a friend today about the merits of electric over diesel fueled cars. He commented on the fuel economy enjoyed by many diesel vehicles. Personally, I didn't see his point, but it did get me thinking. Nearly every electric on the market has a diesel or fuel-based counterpart...
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    Understanding the three driving modes

    Mitsubishi is proud of this being a new type of product, and if you get a chance to follow any of their marketing material, you'll see it. Just look around the Outlander PHEV forum and you'll see news stories that showcase it. However, one thing that really threw me was the three driving modes...