2 Faulty Polar home chargers in less than 6 months?

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New member
Sep 14, 2016
Hi, can anyone offer some advise on the Polar home charge point please? I bought a 2015 PHEV back in May and in June had a Polar home charge point fitted. It was a tethered unit and worked fine for about 5 months. Then suddenly it stopped charging the PHEV. The vehicle charged fine at work and everywhere else, but the home charger would not work.

Polar engineer came out and said that the unit was faulty and it was replaced some day. As I already have a cable in the boot, I went for the non-tethered charge point this time. The new unit has been working fine for about 3 months and now this one is doing exactly the same thing - plug in the cable and nothing happens.

On the dashboard, I can see the charge indicator flashing for a few seconds but thats all - nothing else happens and the charging indicator on the Polar unit remains unlit.
The car is now charging on the 3pin mains charger that comes with the vehicle.

Anyone got any ideas? Why have two brand new Polar charge points failed in less than 7 months? Are these units unreliable or is it my car / home supply that may be the issue?
I'm so annoyed about this as I now need to take time off work again for an engineer visit.
First check whether the microswitch in your charging cable is engaging.It is activated by the locking tab on the top of the carside plug, which may become stiff.
We haven't seen any reports of large scale failures around. Mine is two and a half years old and running fine. There really isn't very much inside them.
I had an untethered installed on 8th December. It worked fine for the first 2 charges, then developed a similar fault to yours, in that it may or may not show the green light and, when it does (and the vehicle starts to charge) it lasts about 5 minutes before going off again. A reset via the circuit breaker sorts it for the one session.

I tested the car and cable on a public charger and all was fine, so I've an engineer coming this week.

And another one!.......

I had a tethered unit installed last July. Failed after 5 months. Unit was replaced under guarantee.
Perhaps a faulty batch last year?
Have a Polar type 2 fitted to the outside of our bungalow near fuse box.
Has failed after 11 months with same fault as previously reported. Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV shows flashing connection light on dash but no green light on unit.
Spoke to Polar Customer Service, they said that they had had 3 faults reported that day.
Told to turn unit off at fuse box then wait and reboot unit. Still no joy. Any suggestions? :x
Big John
Orient Red
Named "Sparky"