Blocking annoying repetative images

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Staff member
Sep 9, 2015
Just in case this is bothering you.

If you're being annoyed by an image being repeated all the time, for example, someone may put a picture of his car in his signature, and you happen to be running AdBlock Plus in Firefox...

You can get rid of the really annoying repeated picture by right-clicking on it, and selecting "Block image".

This adds a filter to AdBlock Plus, and you never have to see the annoying image again.

Neat eh?


I have been advised that other ad-blocking tools can do this too, just with slightly different clicks of the mouse.
Little pictures of people's cars, I could cope with, but the wall of giant size pictures, was just too annoying.

Thing is, we've all got the same car (more or less).


PS. Been more than a year, and I still get the little thrill every time I get into the car.