Can I turn off keyless entry?

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New member
Sep 14, 2016
I'm reading a lot of reports of theft of vehicles with key less entry and the Outlander is one of the cars affected.
One of the methods is to use a device that extends the wireless range of the key to the vehicle and making the vehicle "think" the key is within range.

This not only allows access to the car but the ability to start it! Not good.

It is possible to turn off the key-less system for entry to the car?
There is a lot of discussion about this on LR forums - one suggestion was pulling fuse for keyless depending if anything else on it :?

I went for Faraday pouch (£3 each) which worked well on LR but just tried it on my PHEV and it's not blocking signal but I'm unsure why :roll:

Will investigate and report back :(

Yes I did think of putting the keys in some kind of solid steel box like a cash tin or something like that.
Not sure if that would be affective!

I'd rather not pull fuses in case the fuse is shared by other circuits or the ECU.

I'm going to use a mechanical steering wheel lock for the time being to make things more difficult for anyone who can get into the car, but would like to turn off the keyless entry system full stop!
Would this not leave you unable to start the car too? There is nowhere to insert a mechanical ignition key, so I assume that the start button also relies on keyless entry functionality.
I have heard this story too. And I believe it too. But .... There are 30(?) thousand Outlander PHEVs in the Netherlands. We have a Dutch forum with 3800 registered users. To my knowledge there has been exactly one report about a stolen PHEV in more than two and a half years on that (this car was recovered by the way). I don't know if it is something you should worry about to much ....
Not worth bothering about IMHO....why turn off a very useful feature, and deny yourself the convenience of it, just because of an extremely remote possibility of a problem ? Its cutting off your nose to spite your face in my view.

There are risks in everything, and if you thought about it too much you'd end up never crossing the road or getting on an aeroplane, but we all do these things because we believe that the benefit outweighs the risks. I reckon the benefit and convenience of keyless entry significantly outweighs the tiny chance that your car might get nicked.

Just my view, and I'm sure others will disagree, but life's too short to worry about these things.
AFAIK keyless entry can be turned off in the MMCS menu, or by your dealer for a car without MMCS.
It does not make sense to do so, as theft occurs by digitally simulating the "open" button on your key fob.
If you are worried fit a decent immobilizer/alarm.

BTW, the best steering wheel lock takes 117 seconds to break, the worst 3. Not worth the money in my book.
depends on who is likely to steal the car, probably no one. if they are a little chav then a steering lock will probably deter, they will just smash a window and grab anything on the seat. if a professional, the car is gone no matter what you do. if the can steal cars worth £100k + then an Outlander will be easy

last car i had stolen was a Morris Minor about 37 years ago, got it back the next day.