Wear on steering wheel

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2015
Hi all,

My PHEV 4H is only 18 months old, but I've noticed some wear marks on the steering wheel, in the positions where my hands naturally sit. The car is going in for the 25000 mile service tomorrow so I mentioned this when booking in. The servicing chap said that this was something they had seen a fair bit, and would progress a warranty claim, but that Mitsubishi had recently started denying warranty claims stating that the damage is due to an 'alkaline substance' damaging the leather.

Has anyone come across this situation? It strikes me that this is Mitsubishi trying to cover up its shoddy workmanship, particularly as I never apply cleaning products to the steering wheel, but I'd be grateful for any other experiences.
28 months old, over 70.000 km, just a bit shiny, no wear. But then my driving style does not involve clammy hands.. :lol: :lol:
45,000 miles (about) and my steering wheel is a bit bare on the bottom outside edge, not sure why but my wife uses it a lot and maybe her rings have damaged it, I have certainly peeled some frayed layers off and it feels quite rough over about 50mm area
Just in case it helps anyone else, Mitsubishi have agreed to replace my steering wheel under warranty :)
OTOH, leather needs maintenance. It is no use complaining about scuffed shoes when they never see polish. Come to think of it, when I maintain the leather of the seats I always give the steering wheel a wipe as well.
My PHEV steering wheel has seen now over 126.000 km ...

It is looking visually ok ... a bit shining ... but no sign of wear (I'm not using any rings, and I guess the previous own was not using any as well)

Only issue is with warm weather now, it is feeling now a bit "sticky" .. like it is a bit "oily"

Do you know any product that can be used for make the steering wheel less "shining" without consume or dry out the leather too much ?
I too have a 2015 PHEV and within 12 months the steering wheel was "worn". I reported it at the end of year Service and was told Mitsubishi would replace.....then I heard nothing and some months later, they had changed their minds and declined, giving all the reasons the rest you of have stated.
But as a result of 1000's of user complaints, they have now agreed to replace my steering wheel. It's clearly not abuse, just a shoddy part built by some outsourced shoddy company using cheap(er) materials to make money.
My car's Lease ends at beginning of August so if it is not done by then, not my problem....as long as I don't get charged for it afterward in the "wear and tear policy" of Lease cars.
Anyone else still has issues with then as long as it's not been abused, you should be able to get a replacement as long as you are willing to wait a VERY long time!
Good Luck.
elm70 said:
My PHEV steering wheel has seen now over 126.000 km ...

It is looking visually ok ... a bit shining ... but no sign of wear (I'm not using any rings, and I guess the previous own was not using any as well)

Only issue is with warm weather now, it is feeling now a bit "sticky" .. like it is a bit "oily"

Do you know any product that can be used for make the steering wheel less "shining" without consume or dry out the leather too much ?

Hello. I find that my steering wheel does also get sticky when warm and my hands sweat a bit. I think it is the steering wheel, not you.
In my previous car, albeit a Ford Fiesta, I never had any of the problems I am experiencing with the Outlander and I am doing same miles in same conditions etc etc..
I would say it's all down to the poorer quality leather used at manufacture.