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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. T

    Do you charge?

    Interestingly enough, I moved house at the beginning of the year and at the moment don’t have a drive, so no charger installation. Been running the past 9 months without charging :cry: Petrol consumption has gone through the roof. However, hopefully, in the next month a driveway will get...
  2. T

    Anyone going for another one?!

    My local dealer asked me in to see if they could persuade me to buy another (mine is coming up to 3yrs at the end of this month). Took the new model for a spin but at the end of the day, for a £20k spend to get the same car, bar a few new bells and whistles (and a horrible blinged front end...
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    I had a 1300kg Eriba that I used to tow and tended to let the battery go down a 25% - 50% before using charge, though it largely depends on the topography of where you're towing, and the type of roads/speed. In some situations I tended to be able to get away with Save mode too, which was better...
  4. T

    How 'cold' should air con get?

    Funny, I was swearing at mine yesterday for just this. I've previously taken it in to Mitsy for a check and they said everything was working correctly , no leaks and fully pressurised, so guess it's just rubbish. Did notice that it takes a long time to drop the temperature but eventually the...
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    The life of an engineer. We just cannot win!

    I always thought it was the Triumph Sports Six Club :) (Having been a member with a Spitfire and GT6)
  6. T

    What's your favorite regen?

    Used to use the paddles up and down like a madman but now just stick it in B5 all the time and feather my foot as required. Much better. :D
  7. T

    How about one of these.....

    I'd definitely like the bigger 16kwh battery
  8. T

    Iphone disconnecting from Bluetooth

    Bit of an old thread but I had this problem with a new iPhone. Spoke to the dealer and was told there was a software update for the mmc. Took the phev in and had it applied and now no more disconnect problems. Happy happy happy.
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    Long Distance Test in UK of PHEV by Toronto EVA

    Interesting admission that he was driving at over 80, sometimes 90, mph, while sat in the middle lane of the motorway.
  10. T

    Steamed Up (The car AND ME!) NO LONGER!!

    I'll admit I didn't look at it. I tend to pass over embedded videos with no accompanying text. That said, it doesn't answer my question about the air con draining extracted moisture externally. Further, if it's pissing with rain outside, the external air is unlikely to be dryer.
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    Steamed Up (The car AND ME!) NO LONGER!!

    I thought whole point of con systems was dehumidify the air and more importantly, vent/drain the moisture externally. That way, it shouldn't linger around to resaturate the drier air. Hence why air con with recirculation, no aircon/heating with fresh air. Running aircon with fresh air means the...
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    Steamed Up (The car AND ME!) NO LONGER!!

    Noting the recirculation button, does the AC automatically switched to closed or does it draw air from the exterior, thus, for optimal dehumidification, needing a manual switch on of the recirculation button. If it draws air in from the outside, seems you'll always be fighting a losing battle.
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    LED Trailer Lights

    Nope, no problems. My trailer uses all LED lights and I've not had any issues or warnings. All work perfectly.
  14. T

    Essential Bit Of Kit

    Been using those things (and sticky strings) on my motorbike for years. Never thought about using them on the PHEV but might just stick a packet in the glovebox, now you mention it. Ta.
  15. T

    Mitsubishi PHEV still dominates market..

    Ah ok, that is good then.
  16. T

    Mitsubishi PHEV still dominates market..

    I would imagine that probate valuation is several thousand more than you'd expect to get actually selling ie it's the price one would expect to pay to buy one. Probably less than 17k trade in
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    Mitsubishi PHEV still dominates market..

    :D :D Yes, there are far too many of them around me now. Having been in the position of owning an "exclusive" car to now being in the "common as muck" category, I'm not happy. :)
  18. T

    Anyone else who wouldn't have a PHEV again?

    Well I'm as ordinary as they come and I love my PHEV. No tax benefits (I'm actually a nill tax rate person) but I appreciate its SUV capabilities for carrying two girls to school and here there and everywhere, plus clobber, through foul weather with sure footedness. I love its green credentials...
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    Can't get wifi / app to work...

    Such is the trouble with Android, too many different phones running what at first seems a unified OS but in fact differs immensely across the different forms.
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    Let's go pure EV...

    How? Want! :)