League table of mileage on full charge

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Nov 21, 2014
First entry on my new league table of max mileage range immediately after full battery charge: 43 miles photographed on central Trip display and also on console by speedo for verification. There does not appear to be a way to upload pics for verification but can do so to anyone interested. Anyone beaten me?

Daniel said:
First entry on my new league table of max mileage range immediately after full battery charge: 43 miles photographed on central Trip display and also on console by speedo for verification. There does not appear to be a way to upload pics for verification but can do so to anyone interested. Anyone beaten me?


Hi Daniel

I think there are many of us out there who would love to even get near that figure! By the way to post images do the following:

1. Save the pictures you want to post on your local hard drive

2. access the website http://postimage.org/

3. click 'browse' on the 'select files to upload ' line

4. select one (or more) images to upload for display

5. select 'family safe' (assuming they are)

6. press 'upload it' button

7. select the following options for the images - codes for all images, thumbnail for forums (1), 1 column

8. press 'copy to clipboard' button'

9. return to your forum post, right click on mouse and then paste

10. submit forum post and pictures should appear in your post.
Neverfuel said:
...Hi Daniel

I think there are many of us out there who would love to even get near that figure! By the way to post images do the following:


It would be more informative to stick to figures actually achieved! Has anyone ever managed better than 32 miles? My best is 29.5 miles on a warm (but not hot) afternoon last autumn. I was driving the car very gently, specifically to test maximum range and never get near that figure in real life.
Hi Maby

31.1 on July 4th (really hot day). Still had 2 bars showing on MMCS and was indicating 3 miles left. Didn't fancy driving round just to see though! Had 100% eco driving showing on the eco trip screen. That's the best yet. I am currently seeing about 28 - 29.
Drove 32 miles with 3 miles left remaining. Mixed driving up to 60mph and some small hills.

Daniel said:
First entry on my new league table of max mileage range immediately after full battery charge: 43 miles photographed on central Trip display and also on console by speedo for verification. There does not appear to be a way to upload pics for verification but can do so to anyone interested. Anyone beaten me?

Images must be uploaded to a hosting site like Photobucket and the

48 miles range showing this morning.
I managed 33.5 ev miles yesterday. A combination of regeneration on a long downhill Stretch, coasting in B0, and doing less than 50mph through road works. Also managed to eek out over 6 miles with 1 bar left.
anko, you were not going to publish that pic. shame on you. :lol: The posting of any miles league table is too subjective to be of real value.

My driving needs see either 100's of km, or 10-20km and in over a years driving, it was only during a specific battery range test drive that I could record how far the fully charged battery alone could drive my PHEV. Not any typical drive, so probably won't get to record a number again.
I have a regular drive across London from Sidcup to Langley via A20 over Vauxhall Bridge and A4/M4.

The total distance is 32.5 miles.

Starting with a full charge I have done this trip once without ICE cutting in, and regularly get between 29-31 miles.

The killer to this is the final section down the M4, reckon if I dropped off onto the A4 all the way I'd regularly achieve it, as motorways kill range. The day I got all the way, there was an accident on the M4 so never got over 40MPH for the whole trip, plus driving conditions were optimal for battery performance.
Had the PHEV for a week
best figure is 28.5 miles. combined dual and single carriage lanes. never exceeded 60 miles per hour... not I did not want to, but this is the case of the roads in South Wales. force you to be eco friendly
I reset the trip computer at each full battery recharge. Even in NORMAL mode, it is very hard to get completely objective EV only data for range. Maybe we need a thread of "Miles DRIVEN on a full charge", to avoid confusion.
anko said:
I know I did post a picture of a "predicted range" but indeed I thought this topic was about achieved miles. Confusing indeed :mrgreen:

A "miles achieved" thread would certainly be far more useful - would give us information that would help recognise problems or adjust driving style.
To add to the confusion of the guestometer, my PHEV has just recorded 46km range for half the battery remaining. Started out at 56km with a full battery. Was a mix of SAVE and NORMAL modes used in a 150km round trip. Will be interesting to see what the guestomate now gives for a full battery. Soaking up some solar power now for another trip this arvo.