Side Window Glass - Have You Noticed.....

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2015
Only a small thing, but has anyone noticed that it looks like regardless of whether it's the passenger side or drivers side, the door glass to the front and rear are the same units?

Not sure if MMC part numbers show this, but the window stamps are the same on each window, but reversed on one side compared to the other, indicating that both they fit either side.

Usually, all window glass is handed, as the manufacturer's stamp is facing the outside, meaning they can only be used on one side of vehicle. Not so with the Outlander.

I know, only a small point, but it also shows how they've saved money on things you don't always notice.
I hadnt noticed the glass I do really notice that the electric motor seems stronger than the door
Yep. Every time I close the driver's side window, the motor goes "whump" at the end, and the door bulges...

Quite disconcerting. :?