Electricity Bill!

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2014
I know that it is not rational, but I could not help a sharp intake of breath when looking at the extra £20-odd per month on the electricity bill! Objectively, it's cheaper than petrol for the same distance, but I guess I just buy petrol on autopilot - I really could not have told you how much I was handing over at the pump. With an EV, it's staring you in the face when you open the electricity bill!

If you have fully charged each time it probably costs approximately £1.50, that's about 13 charges.

If you got 25miles from each charge, that's about 333 miles.

At 33mpg, which would be good for a car of that size, that's 10gals. At £5.50/gal it's £55.00

Does that make you feel any better?



I know it's irrational - it's just that putting petrol in the car is a 40 year habit - you really don't think about it any more - putting electricity in the car is a new concept... Also, Shell does not send me a quarterly petrol bill!
Shouldn't have been a surprise - did you not check the PHEV's Charge history - if you enter your ppKwhr rate its a good estimate as to what you will be charged on your bill (eventually, when your supplier catches up to the fact that you are using more power).

All the more reason to use a few of the FREE charge facilities when possible.!
I got the same shock but from "Fuelly" - This is the first vehicle that has encouraged me to face up to the cost of what ever fuel I am using by entering the details of each fill up and the total cost so far is something I had not really taken much notice of in the past.
I also use an app on my iPhone that also predicts Yearly costs of running a vehicle based on the historic stats, including servicing and other Expenses - that also makes me more aware of what it costs to run a car.... any savings made on a regular basis will ease the pain - especially now I am retired...
40 Years ago it was 1 £s worth or fill it, which ever comes first!! (Ford Anglia 1200 Super 35mpg)


Lyra252 said:
40 Years ago it was 1 £s worth or fill it, which ever comes first!! (Ford Anglia 1200 Super 35mpg)




A couple of months ago I let the Landcruiser run almost empty - that's a big tank! The fill-up cost over £90 - I remarked to the cashier that my first car had cost less than that - and it came with a tank full of petrol!
Does anyone use the Polar charging app? I originally set up my app to time my charging for 02:00am - 07:00am, usually connecting up the car when I come home from work every night. Everything appeared to be working fine - including my preheating. I then logged into chargevision3.com for the first time and was surprised to see my logged useage - it shows that my recharge times vary between 1 hour and 26 hours, and my power consumption is between 2kWh and 51kWh :shock: :shock:

For example, I came home late last night and connected up as usual but this morning the figures say this.....

Date Location Time Duration kWh
08/12/2014 Home 05:50 - 08:32 26h 42m 10.58

Am I missing something here?? If these figures are true I will be looking to re mortgage my house in order to pay for my next electricity bill!
RazMan said:
Does anyone use the Polar charging app? I originally set up my app to time my charging for 02:00am - 07:00am, usually connecting up the car when I come home from work every night. Everything appeared to be working fine - including my preheating. I then logged into chargevision3.com for the first time and was surprised to see my logged useage - it shows that my recharge times vary between 1 hour and 26 hours, and my power consumption is between 2kWh and 51kWh :shock: :shock:

Am I missing something here?? If these figures are true I will be looking to re mortgage my house in order to pay for my next electricity bill!

I don't use the app, but I use the online Polar Charge Vision account to record my electricity useage. I also find the times are fictitious and meaningless, but the power seems consistent......about 12 kW per charge.
Don't worry - that ChargeVision is notoriously inaccurate!

I am now trying to educate myself to ignore my electricity consumption in much the same way that I have been successfully ignoring all the pounds I've been handing over at the petrol station. I guess we are led to believe that electric vehicles are vastly cheaper to operate, so it is still a bit off-putting to realise that every mile in an Outlander is costing 5p or more - it just emphasises how expensive it is to move from the chair in my living room!

As far as taking advantages of free charges which was mentioned earlier - I guess it depends entirely on your pattern of usage. There are no convenient chargers - free or otherwise - on my usual routes. Even if there were, I would find it hard to justify a half hour break in my journey just to save half a gallon of petrol. Anyway, I would imagine that it will become a moot point soon - I can't imagine most of them staying free a lot longer and at the prices that the current non-free charging points cost, it is cheaper to run an Outlander on petrol.
I'm having to rely on the Charge Vision online data recording to submit with my monthly expense claim. Fortunately the times don't matter, only the power consumed. But if I start getting wild figures like RazMan reports then I will surely get pulled up by the Finance dept!
£20/month isn't too bad; just doing a quick calculation on my tariff with my daily charging pattern it will be 30 days x 11kWh @ £0.1669/kWh = £55/month.
DrSlackBladder said:
I'm having to rely on the Charge Vision online data recording to submit with my monthly expense claim. Fortunately the times don't matter, only the power consumed. But if I start getting wild figures like RazMan reports then I will surely get pulled up by the Finance dept!

I have heard others suggest that the usage figures are not totally reliable either.
maby said:
DrSlackBladder said:
I'm having to rely on the Charge Vision online data recording to submit with my monthly expense claim. Fortunately the times don't matter, only the power consumed. But if I start getting wild figures like RazMan reports then I will surely get pulled up by the Finance dept!

I have heard others suggest that the usage figures are not totally reliable either.

Hmmm, me too. So far they seem consistent and as expected, fingers crossed it continues that way!
DrSlackBladder said:
£20/month isn't too bad; just doing a quick calculation on my tariff with my daily charging pattern it will be 30 days x 11kWh @ £0.1669/kWh = £55/month.

Ah, but you have to take into account that I can only charge around 20 days per month and often do not consume the full charge in a day. I'm often plugging the car up in the evening with almost half a charge still in the battery.
DrSlackBladder said:
£20/month isn't too bad; just doing a quick calculation on my tariff with my daily charging pattern it will be 30 days x 11kWh @ £0.1669/kWh = £55/month.
A maximum charge according to my usage meter is 12.2KWh, and my daily average charge is 10KWh.

The KWh rate you get is very poor. I just swapped to Sainsburys Energy as they are 9.5p per KWh and the same rate all day.

Kind regards,