How useful is the Mitsubishi App or other 3rd party Apps ?

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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I have decided to never leave my house in case today is my unlucky day Tom Cruise decides to parachute down my chimney and steal my VCR..

Really paranoid! Doesnt anyone have insurance?

No one will want to steal a PHEV. Its not a good getaway car, the market for stripped down parts abroad is non existent compared to say a Range Rover.
Why disable powerful features for no reason?
BobEngineer said:
I have decided to never leave my house in case today is my unlucky day Tom Cruise decides to parachute down my chimney and steal my VCR..

Really paranoid! Doesnt anyone have insurance?

No one will want to steal a PHEV. Its not a good getaway car, the market for stripped down parts abroad is non existent compared to say a Range Rover.
Why disable powerful features for no reason?

Completely is way too short to worry about things like this. The prospect of a techy geek sitting outside my house for several hours at night trying to break the WiFi code just so he can turn off the alarm and steal my pen, or that he will bring a low loader with him and lift my car away, doesn't keep me awake at night.

Yes, there is a theoretical risk it could happen, but if it does then I'll deal with at at the time and it won't stop me from using the features and benefits as they have been designed to be used.
Bangalorebob said:
Is the app only available to UK owners of the PHEV, as my dealer in France says I have no SSID?
Nope. It exists worldwide.

But only PHEVs with electric heater have an SSID. And even then, when no phones are connected to the REMOTE network, the SSID will disappear. When you use the registration procedure, the SSID will reappear.