Solved - Internet and car app at the same time

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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You may find that power consumption is a problem. Sort of like operation as a game console. The battery is depleted rather rapidly with the screen ON all the time.
I generally only need the app control of the car at home for preheating when required. the other day I found a cardboard box in the loft of the kids previous generation 7" tablets, they work perfectly just too slow for games now.

So I am considering removing the app from my phone and having a tablet at home connected instead running just the PHEV app and permanently on but in low power standby (some android devices are very efficient at this).

With only the phev wifi profile on it hopefully it will connect quickly when the car is back in range on the drive. I need my phone to be online on the road and remembering to keep messing with wifi on/off is a pain.